ABLAZE Ministries
We can't begin to scratch the surface of expressing the amazing experience we all had at Ablaze this year. God showed up in such mighty ways. The presence of God was so thick. Lives were forever changed because they encountered the God that loves them fiercely. There were lives completely transformed. It was a weekend that we will never forget.
We'd like to thank each and every supporter of Ablaze. You could have donated, attended our fundraisers, led a small group, played in the band, cooked the meal, decorated, prayed in the prayer room, helped with media, played games in the gym, bagged cookies in the snack room, or helped with set up or clean up. Our hearts are bursting with appreciation for each and every one of you. You were the hands and feet of Jesus. The kids were impacted by your love. My heart is screaming "THANK YOU" to each and everyone one of you.
North Knox--We are so blessed to have a school that is willing to let us host Ablaze. We so appreciate the school allowing us to use the school facilities. The staff from North Knox that helped us throughout the weekend, were amazing. We appreciate you giving up an entire weekend for us.
Also a huge thank you to our speaker, Niki Homan and her family. You did a phenomenal job! We were in the presence of the Lord and you met the kids on their level. Each and every service was exactly what the kids needed to hear. Thank you for driving so far and for investing in our Ablaze kids.
Also the amazing testimonies we heard from Kevin Tyler O'conner and Lori Sermersheim-Koerner. We appreciate you putting yourself in a vulnerable position for the sake of the students. We are so appreciative of you taking time to share your story with our kids. You left an eternal impact on their hearts. You both did an amazing job!
Ian Stephens thank you for sharing your gift of music with us. We know it was one of the highlights of the weekend. The kids loved it! Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Ablaze board---We can't thank you enough for the year of planning, preparation, and prayer that you committed to. Each of our meetings left me so excited for the conference. Your wisdom, creativity, and service is what made Ablaze happen. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Local churches--thank you for uniting for one purpose. Thank you for seeing the need and for meeting it. Your prayers and support mean so much to us and also to the students that attend Ablaze. We love to live in this community because we all work together. It's such a beautiful thing.
We're sure we forgot some people to thank, please forgive us. But know that everything inside of us is thankful for all the help, support, and commitments that were made for Ablaze.
Students of Ablaze---We love you!! We will not quit praying for you now. We know God is empowering you to be world changers. You are never alone. God is a constant. He will never leave. When you go through the fire, you wont be burned and when you go through deep waters, you won't drown. The same God that you experienced at Ablaze is the same God living in you. Seek Him out. You can have the same God encounter in your own prayer closets. If you need anyone to talk to, there is a whole community of people surrounding you that you can turn to at any time. You are world changers! This community believes in you!! We support you. We love you.
🎶🎶🎶"Set me ablaze, set me ablaze, til it's all that I know. Set me ablaze, set me ablaze, so I'll never grow cold."🎶🎶🎶